Altar Servers – suspended during this time of pandemic
Normally our parish Altar Servers assist the priest at all weekend Masses and when available on weekdays. This ministry provides an opportunity for our young people to serve God and their parish family. It allows them to play an intricate role in the Mass itself and by their example they enable others to pray and enter into the mystery of the celebration.
Boys and Girls serve at Mass on a regular scheduled basis. Altar Servers assist the priests and ministers, and set an example for all people, especially the young, during our liturgies.
Boys and Girls who have received their First Holy Communion and completed 2nd Class are eligible to serve.
A dedicated group of parents alongside the priests of the parish recruit and train the teams of servers for each of the Masses and for other liturgical functions. As per parish practice, the parish adheres to its Child Protection Policy and Guidelines.
If you wish to become an Altar Server, please complete an Annual Consent Form and return it to the Parish Office.
Pope John Paul II addressed Altar Servers who attended his General Audience in St. Peter’s Square: “The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration. They who serve at Mass, presents themselves to a community. They experience firsthand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgical act. Jesus is present when the community comes together to pray and render praise to God. Jesus is present in the Word of sacred Scripture. Jesus is present above all in the Eucharist under the signs of bread and wine. He acts through the priest who, in the person of Christ, celebrates the holy Mass and administers the sacraments.
Therefore, in the liturgy, you are much more than simple “helpers of the parish priest.” Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ, of the eternal High Priest. Thus, you, altar servers, are called in particular to be young friends of Jesus. Be determined to go deeper and to cultivate this friendship with him. You will discover that in Jesus you have found a true friend for life.” (Pope John Paul II – General Audience 1st August 2001)